Qasser Babil


Best Import And Export Company In UAE

If you want guarantees over the relocation of your goods and that too under proper safety measures and under the rights reversed by the government, then there is no better and more successful company than Qasser Babil. We are well aware of the demands proposed by both importers and exporters, yes, sometimes they are complicated but we have been through all that. We have proper knowledge regarding the relocation services and also have valuable feedback from clients of either side. We stand tall among the fastest growing import export companies in dubai that covers more than 70 countries. Moreover, we have over a decade of experience in the field. We have a strong client and customer chain that can help your business to expand in no time. Our team of professionals leave no stone unturned to deliver the best of services. No matter whatever you ask for, be it experience, government license, documentations, qualifications, or whatsoever, we have them with us and that too with the latest updates. Our export companies in dubai have a remarkable hold over the shipping services across all platforms, be it through air, water, or land. We can easily meet your expectations as we have a strong hold over international clients and global operators.
If you have been with any import export company before, then you must be knowing that there comes a lot of paperwork and documentations, those can be really stressful and hectic. This generally happens when you choose an unprofessional import-export company that eventually results in great loss. So, what’s the best way to import and export your consignments? We have a swift solution developed for you. What you have to do is to hire our professional logistics support import and export companies in UAE and let us know your requirement, no matter what ever it is, what route you want to deliver it through, or whatsoever, we will do that for you in no time and with the most competitive pricing possible. We have a license for international waters and thereby there is no chance of delay.

Our Strategy

We make sure that we deliver your goods safely and soundly to their respected destinations. We have a team of expert loaders and packagers who make sure that your goods and handled with care and are delivered on time


Meticulous Planning



Completion On Time



Perfect Execution



Affordable Prices


Our Services

Our field of business is general trade, import processing, air and sea freight. Exporting foodstuffs, healthy corn oil, from Turkey to African countries, sugar, from Cevital company, from Turkey, iron in all sizes, manufactured in Turkey to all countries of the world

مرحبا بكم في شركة قصر بابل للتجارة العامة فسم الشحن البري و البحري و الجوي الهدف من خدماتنا

Export Stuff foods

Oil , afia , cevital, sugar, juice From Turkey

Export Materials

Beauty machines and equipment, cosmetics for women’s body

Export Fruits

Bananas, ananas, mangoes, from Africa

Export Perfume

FTEGYrom Dubai to north Africat


Iron, doors, and marble From Turkey

Import Cars

From Turkey to Dubai Toyota

air freight shipping

خدمات الشحن الجوي

شركة قصر بابل للتجارة العامه و قسم الشحن الجوي تتمتع بخدمات شحن جوي عالمية تحقق جميع متطلبات العميل و ارضائه الى اقصى الحدودحيث يمكننا تقديم اعلى مقاييس في الخدة و التوصيل و تسليم حمولاتكم مهما كانت نوعيتها او محتوىاتها في احسن الظروف و اسرع توقيت ممكن ان تلبي حدود الرضى للعملاء

sea freight shipping

خدمات الشحن البحري

قصر بابل للشحن البحري على استعداد لتقديم احسن و أأمن خدمات الشحن البحري نظرا لما تكتسبه من خبرات و مناولات مع عمالقة الشحن البحري العالمية مع توفير كل انواع و احجام الحاويات سواءا المبردة او المفتوحة السقف او دات تقنية عاليه

خدمات الشحن البري

تتطلع دائما شركتنا لتوفير اسطولا لا حدود له من الشاحنات المخخصة للنقل البري على المستوى الاقليمي و دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي و البلدان التي لها صله اقليميا

air freight shipping

خدمات خاصة للشحن الجوي من الباب الى الباب

سواءا حمولالت كاملة او اقل من شاحنه او حتى دمج السلع لنوفر اسرع و احسن كما توفر لكم شركتنا قسم خاص و سريع جدا للشحنات الخاصة بخدمات من الباب الى الباب في اقصى حالات الامان و السرعه في التنفيد خدمة مع وكلائنا في مختلف الدول الاقليمي

Import and Export




African Countries

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Contact Info

Call Us

+971 54 780 9075
+971 54 780 9053

Coordinator Emad Eddine: +971547822689

Our Email

info@qasserbabiluae .com

Our Location

Asico building floor 8 office 801port Saeed Dubai Emirates Arab United

Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 10AM-5PM
Sat-Sun: 10AM-1PM

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